support reusability




  1. In a statement on its website, SpaceX said the money would be used to support continued innovation in the areas of space transport, reusability and satellite manufacturing.
  2. At the same time, support for ORM ( Object Relational Mapping) is also presented so as to satisfy different programming habits of different users. During the introduction, the advantage of lightweight and reusability are presented especially.
  3. EJB is designed to support application portability and reusability across any vendor's enterprise middleware services.
  4. For getting the Business Process Simulation ( BPS) modeling method to quickly respond to changes in Virtual Enterprises ( VE), a federation-based modeling framework was presented, which could support reusability, reconfiguration and scalability of BPS models.
  5. To support the reusability of requirement analysis, the traceability of design and the consistency in whole software developing period, the author imports the software architecture concept to requirement analysis phase.
  6. The multi-channel sign language information fusion platform which is based on domain engineering has established the basic function and the essential basis for the platform, and it also provides support to the reusability of the platform. 2.
  7. Several industrial domains are highly distributed. This organizational structure is also reflected in their applications. In recent years, service-oriented architecture has attracted more and more interest and it can provide strong support for distributed applications to achieve loose coupling and enhance reusability.
  8. Therefore, the construction of a uniform support platform has significant value to integrate spatial information and enhance the reusability of resources.
  9. The framework simultaneously incorporates caching, exception handling, integration testing support mechanisms and has notable reusability, portability, flexibility and expansibility.